Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why Shouldn't You Use Clip Art For Your Logo?

Why shouldn't you use clip art for your logo? Giannina Silverman gives business advise at:  https://fashionbrandingtips.wordpress.com/ She notes concerns about similar logos, decreasing your originality, and trade mark issues. Great Advice! At 1st Logo Design we never use clip art! Check out our original designs http://www.1stlogodesign.com/logos/logos.html


  1. concern with using clip art for a logo is potential copyright issues. Not only will you never be able to trademark your own logo design, you could potentially be in violation of copyright laws by infringing on somebody else copyright or trademark. Also, if you read the terms of use of most clip art, it will specifically state that it cannot be used for logos, so you will be in violation of those terms.

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